!. The book launch on May 18, 7 PM LiteraturhausWien Zieglergasse 26A, 1070 Vienna at 7PM
There is a lot of history connected with this launch and Literaturhaus. In 2003, I was invited to be part of a panel, “Split Memory,” during the Erich Fried symposium days where I read the first versions of two poems in the Prologue of the book, “MY Holocaust” and “First Generation American,” published in the volume from the Symposium, Czernin Verlag, Vienna, Austria.
My mother, Else Pappenheim, published her memoir and collected medical-psychiatric papers into a book, with Bernhard Handelbauer, Hölderlin, Feuchtersleben and Freud, ” Nausner & Nausner, Gras-Wien, 2004 which was presented at the Literaturhaus. AND: The Theodor Kramer Verlag publishing me now, published my great-aunt, Marie Pappenheim Frisvchauf’s sequel to her novel, “Der Graue Mann,” when she returned from exile in Mexico City in 1947!
2. Reading at Platform BibliotheksInitiativen on May 19 at 7PM Favoritenstraße 22, 1040, ,Vienna
3. Reading May 24, 7PM at the BOOK SHOP SINGER,( Elie Wiesenthal Center) Rabensteig 3, 1010 Vienna