I will read in English, three poems from my book, They Clasp my Hand, translated by Erich Karner and poems to appear in Book II, The Lost Notebook Spring 2025 follow by book III, There&Here translated by Astrid Nischkauer
8.11. book@wuk IV / WSB Studio 19h
Elisabeth Frischauf (USA) zuletzt: “They Clasp My
Hand. Die meine Hand ergreifen.” Theodor Kramer
Gesellschaft, liest neue Gedichte, die Astrid Nischkauer
auch in Übersetzung liest. / Sibyl Urbancic und Johann
Kneihs lesen Melitta Urbancic "Unter Sternen" und
"Ein Lesebuch" Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft
Afterwords followed by a lively Q&A.
One of my ceramic poem boxes